25 replies on “Reaction to Liverpool vs Stoke City”

  1. It seems only 10 months ago (see below) that i posted on this…Now we beat them again…Damm fine…

  2. Yes I know this is from last year.
    Yes I know we got destroyed last night.
    I don’t care….
    Still Loyal Still Proud Still Stoke

  3. why people keep using this video, its not even funny

    oh aye, Howay stoke beat the mackems next season for us mags

  4. lol your calling stoke a shit hole when your from liverpool which is home to the biggest scum bags in england

  5. shut up you muppet. they plat old style football where we arent a bunch of nancy boys who break their legs on a daisy

  6. So bad Liverpool’s multi million pound over paid fairies couldn’t score against them. Good result at Boro 🙂

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